Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Valediction of a Friend

Taking Time (Part Two), originally uploaded by Leepak.

Taking Time (Part Two)

Sometimes I look at my watch
And wish I could stop time, but I can't
Cause time is God's tool, to determine.
Every thing grows, and also dies
Can time suffer and also die?
Is time flat? Or is time round?
Where is time? Can time be found?
Is time there with each beat of my heart?
Was time there from the very start?
Is time bound? Or is time free?
Is time that, what is meant to be?
I can't say yes or no cause God
Is only the one who knows…

-- LHB 2007

I think time is needed to recharge my batteries...and my passion. :o)

1. An act of bidding farewell; a leave-taking.
2. A speech or statement made as a farewell.

The return, tonight, tomorrow, when? Who knows?

The valediction was made tonight at 7:11PM. Shock, dispair and a miriad of thoughts and emotions flood my mind. I am not a writer, someone to send you on a ride of thoughts and words to explain what is happening.

I am a friend, who speaks his mind. A friend, who is hurt. A friend, who longs for the abundant thoughts and photos of someone dear to his heart.

DO I know when she will return? No, I do not. DO I know IF she will return? No, I do not. She and God will decide. Only then, in the return, we all can be certain.

Batteries are strange, sometimes they charge rapidly and are back in action quickly. Sometimes they charge slowly and you have to wait. No matter what the length of time, you have to wait.

I will wait, we all will wait.

I close with this:

Good night, good night! parting is such sweet sorrow
That I shall say good night till it be morrow.
-- From Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 185)

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